On Mars, Part I - A Photo-Critique of America
Artist's Statement by Jean-Christian Rostagni
first image
I believe
that my mission as a photographer is to show people what they
cannot or do not want to see.
While I immigrated
to this country with perfectly good intentions, out of professional
integrity I could not avoid photographing what seemed to need
to be revealed, and the result is here. This work actually started
in France in 1993, the day I observed my wife (who is American),
disgusted after seeing some dead deer heads at a butcher shop
in a Parisian market. I have to say that the scene was a little
unusual, even for a Frenchman. The heads had been skinned, the
eyes were expressionless, yet very present; the blood still
fresh. Yet I doubt that any French citizen would really pay
too much attention, other than to wonder, “what kind of
paté can this become?”
Seeing my wife’s
reaction, I understood the cultural implications and photographed
the scene, which I titled “Dans les Moments de Vérité”
(In the Moments of Truth). I dedicated the shot to the American
people -- whom I like a lot, but nevertheless suspect, as a
whole, have a hard time facing reality and taking responsibility
for their actions. The post 9-11 era has so far exemplified
that, and this photograph is a good introduction to what I want
to tell them.
The title
“Life on Mars,” is because a number of Western Europeans
wonder if Americans are really from planet Earth? There are
some apparent incompatibilities between the America that we
see as a place of advanced technology and a laboratory for progress,
and the America that is home of the death penalty, war mongering,
religious fundamentalism, and so on. A possible explanation
is that Americans actually come from another planet, and Mars,
also known as the God of War, seems to be the best candidate.
I am a “photographe
sur la ligne de front” (frontline photographer). My battle
is both an ideological and a technical one. My mission is to
capture photographs of reality and coerce them into revealing
depth, thoughtfulness, beauty, and poetry. All this through
somewhat alternative techniques -- always on the edge, but never
outside of the essential conventions, human communication. My
strategy is to build an armada of visual bombs that will break
the defenses of the “sleepwalking through life”
like to leave you on what follows. Gandhi: “Wars are not
won by bullets but by bleeding hearts”, Ché Guevara:
“It is because we are realists that we ask for the impossible”,
and John Lennon: “They’ll say that I am a dreamer,
but I am not the only one.”
On Mars, Part I · November 17 - January 16,
original disply dates at Through This Lens